2Twelve Youth Service
  • 7758 Earl Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117

  • Westside Kids Arena

2Twelve Youth Service

Our 2Twelve Youth Services are designed to create a safe place for teens (ages 11-18) to connect with God, each other, and the world around them. Our full youth service gatherings are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month right after the 2nd service ends. Our programming also provides room for Small Group Hangouts to happen in the off-weeks. Each youth service features a free lunch, a time of praise & worship, group games, a relevant message that challenges students to activate their faith weekly, and a Small Group connection time to help students dig deeper into the message and ask questions to help clarify their faith.

Our Current Series:


Have you ever seen one of those really crazy celebrity headlines or photos on social media and thought, How embarrassing?! Maybe you’ve thought, I would never do that! Or, I’d never say that. Or, I’d never wear that in public. But the truth is, we’ve all done things that we wish we hadn’t. We’ve all had a most embarrassing moment…or a few of them. There’s nothing wrong with feeling a little red- faced every once in a while, but when that feeling of shame carries over to how we see ourselves, how we treat others, and even what we think about God, it can be really harmful. As we explore what the Bible says about our best and worst moments, we may just discover that the best thing we can do with one of the worst feelings is to shame…less.

For more information about our youth programming, contact our Next Generation Pastor, Amanda Martinez.
