“Oh God, you have searched me and known me.”
What does it truly mean to be KNOWN? To be fully loved? We all want to be KNOWN for who we truly are and still loved without the pressure of performance. We all want to know others in the same way. God sees you and knows you. Every challenge, every victory. And the Women of Westside want to know you and connect with you.
Our Women’s Retreat is located in the picturesque and Cape Cod style coastal town of Seabrook, WA. Comfortable, plush beds, meals, and friends await you. Friday, May 17 – Sunday, May 19th is your special opportunity for refreshing from worship and God’s word, to kick back and enjoy the beach, and all the rest this weekend has to offer you! Most importantly, this is YOUR time to build relationship with other women who need YOU in their life and you need them. Join us as we dig deeper and grow together as God wants you to “Know and Be Known” We understand the challenge for every woman to take time to get away, but we guarantee a high return on your investment for this weekend. The cost is $160 per person.
You can sign up and pay with a check or cash in the lobby on Sunday mornings.
You can a pay online here – GIVE. Please remember to put “Women’s Retreat” in the details line.